This project was funded by the City of Philadelphia as part of Vision Zero, an effort to eliminate traffic fatalities by 2050. Cecil B. Moore Avenue is a dangerous arterial roadway in North Philadelphia with a history of severe crashes. The study area for this project stretches from Willington Street to 10th Street along Cecil B. Moore Avenue. The study team for this project conducted extensive neighborhood……
This report presents the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission’s (DVRPC’s) adopted 2050 county- and municipal-level population and employment forecasts and describes the method used to develop them. Population and employment forecasts are a critical component of long-range land use and transportation planning. As a part of DVRPC’s long-range planning activities, the Commission is required to……
Delaware County asked the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commision (DVRPC) to propose recommendations to increase access to the county’s trails network through on-road bicycle facilities. This memo explores the project team’s on-road bicycle network methodology in connecting adjacent low-stress, typically residential islands to selected trailheads. A complementary webmap further depicts the proposed……
The Highlights for the DVRPC FY2023 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for Pennsylvania briefly describes the region’s TIP, a federally required, multi-modal, four-year constrained program of planned transportation infrastructure investment. It also contains a summary listing of all transit, highway, bridge, bicycle, pedestrian, and freight related projects in DVRPC’s Pennsylvania region that……
El documento Aspectos destacados del programa de mejora del transporte (TIP) de la DVRPC del año fiscal 2023 para Pennsylvania describe brevemente el TIP de la región como un programa de inversión planificada, multimodal y con restricciones federales de cuatro años en infraestructura de transporte. También contiene una lista resumida de todos los proyectos relacionados……
The Hunting Park Broad Street Line Station is a critical transportation asset for the North Philadelphia neighborhoods of Nicetown, Tioga, East Tioga, Hunting Park, and Logan. DVRPC conducted this planning study to identify potential improvements that will make walking, biking, and rolling in the area surrounding the Hunting Park Broad Street Line Station easier and safer. This study was undertaken……
Each fiscal year, DVRPC is responsible for issuing an annual report that summarizes the programs and projects that comprise the annual planning work program. This Annual Report features highlights of the Commission's many programs, a message from the Executive Director and Board Chair, a listing of Board members and committees, and a financial summary.
The opening of the new Cramer Hill Waterfront Park in Camden, New Jersey put a spotlight on traffic safety concerns on Harrison Avenue and State Street along the new amenity. In order to support pedestrian and bicyclist access to the new park, the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission conducted a pedestrian road safety audit with local stakeholders to identify traffic safety issues on these……
Delaware County asked the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) to propose recommendations to increase access to the county’s trails network through on-road bicycle facilities. This web map further depicts the proposed designs and phasing. A complementary memo explores the project team’s on-road bicycle network methodology in connecting adjacent low-stress, typically residential islands……
This report assesses trends in auto vehicle trips, transit passenger trips, and bicycle and pedestrian trips
crossing screenlines and cordon lines in the Delaware Valley region. Data collected in 2019, 2020, and 2021
is compared to data collected in 2000, 2005, 2010, and 2015.