DVRPC has published over one thousand reports from the 1970s to present. Product abstracts and/or PDF downloads are available.
April 13, 2016
Municipal Energy Management: Best Practices from DVRPC's Direct Technical Assistance ProgramThis guide highlights best practices and lessons learned from municipal energy management projects in southeastern Pennsylvania. In 2013 and 2014, DVRPC worked with nine municipalities in southeastern Pennsylvania to provide direct technical assistance with measuring, analyzing, and developing implementation strategies for energy management in municipal buildings. The goal of energy management is to……
April 13, 2016
2015-2016 CMP Supplemental Projects Status MemorandumThis memorandum is the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission’s (DVRPC’s) eighth review of the status of supplemental projects for major Single Occupancy Vehicle (SOV) capacity-adding projects in the region's Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs). Congestion Management Process (CMP) staff reviewed all projects in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2016-2019 TIP for New Jersey and the draft FY2017-2020……
March 24, 2016
2016 Municipal Resource GuideThis guide is intended to assist local and county governments, community groups, and non-profit organizations in the Delaware Valley Region to
identify federal, state, regional, county, and private sources of funding for locally initiated planning and development projects. The programs are listed in alphabetical order and cover topical areas of disaster and pollution mitigation, energy conservation,……
March 24, 2016
Greater Philadelphia Future ForcesThis effort builds scenarios off a set of Future Forces of change in Greater Philadelphia. Future Forces may accelerate or reverse current trends, or create new ones that significantly impact demographics, development patterns, use of the regional transportation system, the economy, and/or the environment. These Future Forces were identified collaboratively by the Greater Philadelphia Futures Group……
March 7, 2016
Local & County Roads Safety NewsletterRoads maintained by counties and municipalities are the site of approximately 40% of all crashes in the nine-county Delaware Valley, however many safety programs focus on state and interstate highways. This newsletter provides engineers, planners, and other staff members at counties and municipalities analysis and pointers on what can be done in this region to improve safety.
March 4, 2016
Safe, Clean, and GreenThis brochure is designed to help planners, government officials, business leaders, community activists, crime prevention practitioners, and law enforcement looking for innovative ways to prevent crime in their downtowns. It will teach you how to apply principles such as access control, natural surveillance, territorial reinforcement, and maintenance to improve your neighborhood or community.
February 25, 2016
Enhanced Bus Service on West Chester PikeThis study was conducted by DVRPC to improve the quality and effectiveness of bus service on West Chester Pike between West Chester Borough and the 69th Street Transportation Center in Upper Darby. This report describes an operational concept for Enhanced Bus Service (EBS) along the corridor that includes consolidated stops, improved passenger amenities, and branded service. Localized pedestrian improvements……
February 23, 2016
Transportation Conformity Demonstration: Connections 2040 Long-Range Plan, FY 2015 Pennsylvania TIP, and FY 2016 New Jersey TIPThe Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) demonstrates transportation conformity of its
Connections 2040 Long-Range Plan, Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 Pennsylvania Transportation Improvement
Program (TIP), and FY 2016 New Jersey TIP. A transportation conformity demonstration is required at least
once every four years or when an MPO: 1) adopts a new Plan or TIP, or 2) amends, adds, or deletes……
February 18, 2016
Identifying Opportunities for Park and Ride Capacity in South JerseyAs travel patterns shift and demand for public transit services increases due to congestion, drive-to-transit access patterns, such as park-and-rides (PNR), will remain a primary means of transit access for many regional residents and workers to avoid the monetary and time costs of traveling by automobile. This project sought to assess locations where New Jersey Transit (NJT) bus and train PNR demand……