DVRPC has published over one thousand reports from the 1970s to present. Product abstracts and/or PDF downloads are available.
August 6, 2018
Municipal Management in a Changing Climate - Municipal Implementation Tool #031The brochure summarizes historic and projected changes in the region's climate, the impacts those changes are expected to have on municipal operations, and how municipalities can prepare themselves for these impacts.
July 12, 2018
Transportation Conformity DemonstrationThe Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) demonstrates transportation conformity of its Connections 2045 Long-Range Plan and Fiscal Year 2019 Pennsylvania Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). A transportation conformity demonstration is required at least once every four years or when
an MPO: (1) adopts a new Plan or TIP; or (2) amends, adds, or deletes a regionally significant,……
July 2, 2018
Fiscal Year 2019 Unified Planning Work ProgramThis document contains all of the projects and
related funding for FY 2019 as passed by the DVRPC Board in January 2018.
June 19, 2018
Pedestrian and Bicyclist Road Safety AuditThis report documents the process and findings of the CR 534
(Blackwood-Clementon Road) Pedestrian and Bicyclist Road
Safety Audit (PB-RSA) jointly undertaken by the Delaware Valley
Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) and members from the
Regional Safety Task Force (RSTF). This report details safety issues identified by the audit team at the study location and remedial strategies to address them.……
June 11, 2018
2016 Aircraft Operations Count ProgramThis technical report presents aircraft operations estimates for three non-towered airports in the Delaware Valley aviation planning area. Eight acoustic counts were taken at each airport, starting in January 2016 and ending in December 2016; each sample covered seven continuous days. The samples were extrapolated over the entire year, and the results are presented in this report. Results are used……
June 11, 2018
Modern Trolley Station Design GuideSEPTA is preparing for a once-in-a-generation replacement of its trolley fleet, Trolley Modernization. In order to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and to provide effective service for its customers, SEPTA must provide new platforms and stations on its
trolley routes. The Modern Trolley Station Design Guide: SEPTA Suburban Transit Division provides practitioners with design guidance……
April 24, 2018
Municipal Funding ResourceThis guide is intended to assist local and county governments, community groups, and non-profit organizations in the Delaware Valley Region to identify federal, state, regional, county, and private or non-profit sources of funding for locally initiated planning and development projects. The programs are listed in alphabetical order within each section and cover topical areas of brownfields, disaster……
April 10, 2018
City of Camden Access StudyThis study was undertaken by Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) at the request of the City of Camden and Camden County Redevelopment Authority to assess transportation needs associated with the realization of planned development. The study area serves as an update to the prior DVRPC report, City of Camden Access Study, published in July 2012. Twenty‐one intersections were quantitatively……
April 3, 2018
A Circle of ProgressThis feasibility study examines the opportunities and challenges of constructing over 44 miles of trails and on-road bicycle facilities that make up the Greater Pottstown Trails network. This network includes four trails that are shared between nine municipalities in Chester County, Montgomery County, and Berks County: the Coventry Trail, the Pottsgrove Trail, the Manatawny Trail, and the West Trail,……
April 2, 2018
Connections 2045 Plan for Greater PhiladelphiaConnections 2045 Plan for Greater Philadelphia is the Long-Range Plan for the Greater Philadelphia region. It assesses regional trends and forecasts and sets a shared vision for the future. The Plan is organized around five core principles to achieve the vision: Sustain the Environment; Develop Livable Communities; Expand the Economy; Advance Equity and Foster Diversity; and Create an Integrated,……