DVRPC has published over one thousand reports from the 1970s to present. Product abstracts and/or PDF downloads are available.
October 29, 2018
DVRPC FY2019 Transportation Improvement Program - AddendumThis volume contains the following appendices: (E) PennDOT’s Procedural Guidance; (F) SEPTA’s and PART’s Financial Capacity Analysis; (G) Executive Summary of the Documentation of the Conformity Finding; and (H) Summary of Public Involvement Process, Index of Comments, Original Public Comments, Responses to Public Comments, List of Recommended Changes, Public Comment Outreach Documentation, the Draft……
October 29, 2018
DVRPC FY2019 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for Pennsylvania (FY19-FY22)The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) document contains a listing of all transit, highway, bridge, bicycle, pedestrian, and multimodal projects in DVRPC’s Pennsylvania counties that will seek federal funding in fiscal years 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022. This volume also contains the following four appendices: (a) Board Resolutions, (b) Financial Guidance, (c) Memorandum of Understanding on Procedures……
October 29, 2018
DVRPC FY2019 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for Pennsylvania (FY19-FY22)The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) document contains a listing of all transit, highway, bridge, bicycle, pedestrian, and multimodal projects in DVRPC’s Pennsylvania counties that will seek federal funding in fiscal years 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020. This volume also contains the following four appendices: (a) Board Resolutions, (b) Financial Guidance, (c) Memorandum of Understanding on Procedures……
October 24, 2018
Reviving Vine: Improving Multimodal Connections on Vine StreetThis study evaluated the feasibility of a "road diet" or lane reconfiguration on Vine Street local to create a safer, more accessible multimodal streetscape. The proposed lane configuration is complemented by additional recommendations to decrease crossing distances, reduce vehicle speeds, and create inviting open spaces. All of these recommendations seek to mitigate the negative impacts of the Vine……
October 24, 2018
Population Estimates, 2010-2017, DVRPC's 28-County Extended Data Services AreaData Bulletin #102 provides county- and sub-county-level population estimates as of July 1, 2017, for the 28 counties located within DVRPC’s extended data services area, released by the U.S Census Bureau in May 2018. The U.S. Census Bureau's Population Estimates Program (PEP) produces July 1st estimates for the years following the last published decennial census and, in most cases, simultaneously revises……
October 24, 2018
Residential Permits Issued, 2010-2017, DVRPC's 28-County Extended Data Services AreaRegional Data Bulletin #101 presents residential building permit data for 2010 through 2017 in the extended 28-county data services area. Residential construction activity data is derived from current reports and publications compiled by the U.S. Census Bureau’s Residential Construction Statistics Division. Municipalities provide the Census Bureau with tabulations of the number of housing units authorized,……
October 11, 2018
NJSAFR Traffic Incident Management Safety Guidelines for First RespondersThe document provides incident responders with uniform operational guidelines to ensure safe operations on the following limited access highway in Camden and Gloucester Counties: NJ 42, NJ 55, I-676, I-76, and I-295. These guidelines were formulated based on input from representatives of the New Jersey Southern Area First Responders (NJ SAFR) Incident Management Task Force (IMTF). This document is……
September 25, 2018
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Baseline Report and Performance Plan (2018-2021)Metropolitan Planning Organizations are required to adopt CMAQ Emissions targets and develop a baseline performance plan as part of the federally mandated Transportation Performance Management process. This technical memo serves as the baseline performance report to FHWA for the period 2018–2021 for the congestion and on-road mobile emissions performance measures for the Philadelphia Urbanized Area……
August 6, 2018
Connections 2045 Plan para la region de Filadelfia - Documento de ResumenEl Plan Connections 2045 para el Área Metropolitana de Filadelfia es el plan a largo plazo para la región del Área Metropolitana de Filadelfia. Evalúa las tendencias y los pronósticos locales y establece una visión compartida para el futuro. El Plan está organizado de acuerdo con cinco principios básicos para alcanzar la visión: Respetar el medio ambiente; Desarrollar comunidades habitables; Expandir……
August 6, 2018
Truck Wayfinding in the City of ChesterThe recommendations in this report were developed for the City of Chester to mitigate the effects of freight truck movement through the city, including compromised air quality in residential areas. Designated truck routes are proposed to facilitate the safe and efficient movement of goods to and from the city’s industrial waterfront and central business district. Communication strategies and other……