The Connections 2050 Plan for Greater Philadelphia: Policy Manual documents the Connections 2050 vision, principles, goals, policies and strategies, and contains a summary of the financial plan. It has a companion report, The Connections 2050 Plan for Greater Philadelphia Process and Analysis Manual contains supporting information related to the vision and strategies, along with the detailed financial……
This data snapshot provides an analysis of how the hospitality industry was impacted during the pandemic, and highlights what the access to tourism and employment implications are of the findings.
This regional screening tool was developed to help identify and rank roads where bicycle facility improvements would have the greatest local and regional connectivity benefit to the low-stress bicycle network. Learn about Level of Traffic Stress (LTS) and the connectivity analysis by scrolling through these visualizations. Explore and analyze the data in this webmap.
A travel market analysis of the Atlantic City Rail Line (ACRL) was conducted to provide NJ TRANSIT with insight on
the travel needs of commuters throughout the study corridor. The results are intended to be used to better inform
future improvements to the ACRL. Conclusions drawn from studies conducted by related organizations explores
transit ridership, employment, access to transit, and COVID-19……
This report presents the average number of vehicle trips, bike trips, and pedestrian trips crossing the Camden CBD cordon during the COVID pandemic. Vehicle trips were counted during 2020 and 2021 and bicycle and pedestrian trips were counted during May and June of 2021.
The report also presents the average number of public transit passenger trips crossing the Camden CBD cordon in the Fall of……
The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) document contains a listing of multimodal projects in the DVRPC New Jersey region and the NJDOT-managed Statewide Program of projects throughout the State of New Jersey that will seek federal and state funding in federal FYs 2022, 2023, 2024, and 2025. This volume also contains the following appendices: (A) Board Resolutions; (B) Financial Tables Used in……
The eastbound entrance to the Ben Franklin Bridge is surrounded by attractions and amenities for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit riders. A newly completed ADA-compliant ramp on the Camden side of the bridge has improved accessibility for pedestrians and bicyclists of all ages and abilities to access the bridge. However, heavy traffic and a roadway design that is primarily vehicle-oriented continue……
The Regional Trails Inventory currently includes all off-road trails in DVRPC's four New Jersey counties as well as Bucks, Delaware, and Montgomery Counties in Pennsylvania. The inventory captures walking, hiking, multi-use, and biking trails, including trails outside of the Circuit Trails network. The inventory is intended for planning purposes and was compiled……
To better identify LEP populations and evaluate the DVRPC's effort to provide meaningful access, the Limited English Proficiency Plan was created. This application was created using the data that was derived for the FY20 Analysis of the 2019 LEP Plan. ACS 2015-2019, Table B16001: Language Spoken at Home by Ability to Speak English for the Population 5 Years and Over.ACS data are derived……