March 4, 2024
Get to know HR Generalist Shereen McKellar.
What did you want to be growing up? What is your fantasy career? Growing up, I wanted to be a dancer and choreographer like Paula Abdul and choreograph music videos, television shows and movies. My fantasy career would be a sought after party planner. I love creating lasting memories and seeing people have fun.
What was your first job? I had my first job in the seventh grade as an Office Assistant at PhilaDanco. The job was part of their work-study program.
What did you study in college? I studied Broadcasting, Telecommunications, and Mass Media at Temple University.
How did you end up at DVRPC? I saw the HR Generalist job posting in Indeed, and it immediately got my attention. It was not only a great match for the skills I possess, but it was an opportunity that would allow me to develop underutilized skills. I was selected for an interview and, look, here I am!
What are your responsibilities? What has changed over time? My responsibilities are managing the recruitment and onboarding process at DVRPC. I think what has changed is getting more involved with employee relations.
What is your favorite part of working at DVRPC? My favorite part of working at DVRPC is helping the employee community. Whether it’s helping to bring new talent to DVRPC, answering questions about policies and procedures, or bringing forth ideas to increase employee engagement, it just brings a smile to my face and makes me want to come to work each day.
What is your work/life philosophy? I learned a great quote from Gary W. Keller which I have adopted as my new work/life philosophy: “Work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. The other four balls–family, health, friends, integrity–are made of glass. If you drop one of these, it will be irrevocably scuffed, nicked, perhaps even shattered.”
What 3 words best describe you? Thoughtful, creative, and inquisitive are the best words used to describe me.
What is something colleagues don’t know about you? I don’t think too many people know I used to work at NBC-10 when they had their 10! Show. I would research events, guests, and topics and write teasers for their website. I even made an appearance when The 10! Show interviewed my favorite musical group New Edition.
What actor would play you in the movie version of your life? Lark Voorhies (who played Lisa on Saved By The Bell) can play me.
What is your favorite leisure activity? I have too many leisure activities to have a favorite. If I have to narrow it down, it will be a three-way tie between reading, shopping, and working out.
What are your Top 3 places you want to travel to? Vermont, Texas, and Canada. I always said I’m going to go to these places and never made it to them. One day, I will.
Are you a cat or dog person? Dogs all the way! I like cats, but I looooove dogs! They hold a special place in my heart.