Whether your company formally implements specific techniques to discourage use of Single Occupancy Vehicle (SOV) travel to work, or simply asks employees to consider commute alternatives, incentives can lead to greater success in achieving your objectives. There are many types of incentives to consider, and each has a different cost, depending on how it is executed and who participates.
Commuter Benefits
A national program known as the commuter benefit program or the transportation fringe benefit (IRS Code 132[f]) allows employers to offer to their employees a pre-tax way to help pay for commuting on transit or by vanpool. It saves employers and commuters money because the program takes advantage of federal legislation that allows the exemption of FICA and payroll taxes on money set aside for transit fares and vanpool expenses.
Employee Retail Discounts
Some creative employers have developed ways to reward employees who share their commute, and especially those who use carpools, which are not eligible for the commuter benefit mentioned above. By working with local retail, restaurant and service businesses, they have arranged for certain employees to receive discounts or freebies when they prove they have been sharing the ride to work. NOTE: the Share-A-Ride program has a "built-in" rewards system for recording alternate commutes and travel, as well.
For example:
- A local restaurant may offer 10 percent off breakfast or lunch items
- A nearby service station may offer a discount on a tune-up or inspection
- A shoe shine place may give a free shine with every other pair brought in (this and/or a discount on sneakers are especially attractive to walkers).
In most cases, in-house promotion of the merchant involved is enough to warrant reciprocal services, although they may require the employer to pay a small fee. These perks can be offered to all employees who choose an alternate commute, or can be used as "prizes" or rewards for achievement of certain goals. Outside of the staff time necessary to set up the initial program, this option is relatively easy and inexpensive to implement, and is viewed very favorably by employees.
Preferential Parking
This program is one of the easiest to implement and costs virtually nothing! Employers designate several parking spaces or one general area closest to entrances for those employees who carpool or vanpool to work. This can be an attractive perk in any season, whether there's rain, snow, bitter cold or extreme heat. Employees must agree ahead of time to participate; this is not typically a "use as you please" option. Employers decide how to monitor the program.