With funding from the Campbell Soup Company, DVRPC organized and led a full-day workshop to explore the intersection between transportation and health in Camden. The workshop, which was held on August 2, 2018 at Rutgers University - Camden, brought together local leaders in government, transportation, public health, community development, and philanthropy to discuss transportation challenges and solutions to accessing healthy destinations in Camden (eg. healthcare providers, grocery stores, community center, parks, and trails). Together with the presenters, participants investigated ways to improve access to healthy destinations by increasing awareness of transportation challenges, highlighting underutilized services and infrastructure, identifying innovative solutions, and supporting new partnerships.

Welcome & Overview
Barry Seymour, Executive Director, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC)
Dr. Donna Nickitas, Dean and Professor, Rutgers School of Nursing - Camden
Alison Hastings, Manager of the Office of Communications and Engagement, DVRPC
Transportation & Health in Camden Today
Presentation by Amy Verbofsky, Senior Planner, DVRPC;
Discussion facilitated by Alison Hastings, DVRPC
What's Happening in Camden: New and Noteworthy "Flash" Presentations
- Camden Access Study, Keith Hartington, Principal Transportation Planner, DVRPC
- Safe Routes to School, Ronda Urkowitz, Cross County Connection TMA
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Infrastructure, John Boyle, Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia
- Ride Health, Suzanne Ghee, Virtua Health
Speed Dating
Facilitated by Shoshana Akins, Public Participation Planner, DVRPC and Thom Stead, Transportation Planner, DVRPC
Where is Camden Moving?
Facilitated by Barry Seymour, DVRPC
Kris Kolluri, President and Chief Executive Officer, Cooper’s Ferry Partnership
John Hanson, Chief Executive Officer, Delaware River Port Authority
Solution Sessions
Facilitated by Thom Stead, DVRPC and Shoshana Akins, DVRPC
Reactions Panel
Moderated by Kim Fortunato, President, Campbell Soup Foundation and Director of Community Affairs, Campbell Soup Company
- Kimberly Allen, Senior Vice President/Senior Program Officer, Wells Fargo Regional Foundation/CDC
- Sharon Roerty, Senior Program Officer, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- Ashley Putnam, Director, Economic Growth and Mobility Project, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Amy Verbofsky, DVRPC