Staff Coordinator(s): Chris Linn

- UWAG Fact Sheet [0.1 MB pdf]
- UWAG Scoping Form [0.1 MB pdf]
- Past UWAG Meetings [0.1 MB pdf]
- Project Database
- Resources
- US Army Corps of Engineers Permit Database
- PA Department of Environmental Protection eMAP PA
The Urban Waterfront Action Group (UWAG) was created in 1980 through the PA Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Program to provide a “one-stop-shop,” pre-permit application service for projects in the Delaware Estuary. This allows for waterfront developers and regulatory agencies to identify and hopefully resolve potential permitting issues in advance of detailed project engineering and design.
Agencies that participate in UWAG include the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection's (PA DEP's) Southeast Region Office and Coastal Zone Management Program, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Philadelphia District Office, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Marine Fisheries Service, U.S. EPA, Delaware River Basin Commission, U.S. Coast Guard MSO-Group Philadelphia, PA Fish and Boat Commission, and various county and local planning departments.
Interested attendees to UWAG should reach out to the DVRPC staff coordinator for more information. As UWAG is offered on a purely voluntary basis to anyone interested in developing or expanding a waterfront project in the Delaware Estuary, attending a meeting is not required before starting a project.
Meetings are scheduled on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 10 AM. If no agenda items are requested or projects presented for review, then the meeting for that month will be cancelled.