The Information Resources Exchange Group (IREG) was formed in 1991 to provide a forum to discuss the creation, use, and exchange of planning-related information in the Delaware Valley region. IREG also promotes knowledge sharing in the methods and technology for data analysis, synthesis, and presentation. To support its mission, IREG's activities and topics include data, metadata, modeling, forecasting, aerial imagery, geographic information systems, database systems, and the Internet as a data access and dissemination tool. Meetings always feature special presentations on topics of interest to the membership. Recent meeting attendance has averaged at about 45 people.
The IREG membership includes over 90 organizations representing local, county, state, regional and federal agencies and governments, data centers and affiliates, universities & academic institutions, regional utilities and not-for-profit organizations in the 28-county extended DVRPC Data Service Area.
Each calendar year, a representative of the group is elected to chair the quarterly meetings. Generally speaking, the Vice-Chair of the previous year is elected as Chair and a new Vice-Chair is elected. Past Chairpersons represent the diversity of the IREG membership.